require = (function e(h, j, l) { function m(a, c) { if (!j[a]) { if (!h[a]) { var d = typeof require == "function" && require; if (!c && d) { return d(a, !0) } if (i) { return i(a, !0) } throw new error("cannot find module '" + a + "'") } var b = j[a] = { exports: {} }; h[a][0].call(b.exports, function(g) { var f = h[a][1][g]; return m(f ? f : g) }, b, b.exports, e, h, j, l) } return j[a].exports } var i = typeof require == "function" && require; for (var k = 0; k < l.length; k++) { m(l[k]) } return m })({ 1: [function(g, k, h) { var i = k.exports = {}; i.nexttick = (function() { var c = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.setimmediate; var a = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.postmessage && window.addeventlistener; if (c) { return function(f) { return window.setimmediate(f) } } if (a) { var d = []; window.addeventlistener("message", function(n) { var f = n.source; if ((f === window || f === null) && === "process-tick") { n.stoppropagation(); if (d.length > 0) { var o = d.shift(); o() } } }, true); return function b(f) { d.push(f); window.postmessage("process-tick", "*") } } return function b(f) { settimeout(f, 0) } })(); i.title = "browser"; i.browser = true; i.env = {}; i.argv = []; function j() {} i.on = j; i.addlistener = j; i.once = j; = j; i.removelistener = j; i.removealllisteners = j; i.emit = j; i.binding = function(a) { throw new error("process.binding is not supported") }; i.cwd = function() { return "/" }; i.chdir = function(a) { throw new error("process.chdir is not supported") } }, {}], 2: [function(d, g, f) { (function(n) { n.console = n.console || {}; var q = n.console; var a, b; var m = {}; var c = function() {}; var o = "memory".split(","); var p = ("assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,groupcollapsed,groupend,info,log,marktimeline,profile,profiles,profileend,show,table,time,timeend,timeline,timelineend,timestamp,trace,warn").split(","); while (a = o.pop()) { if (!q[a]) { q[a] = m } } while (b = p.pop()) { if (!q[b]) { q[b] = c } } })(typeof window === "undefined" ? this : window) }, {}], 3: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./promise/promise").promise; var i = g("./promise/polyfill").polyfill; h.promise = j; h.polyfill = i }, { "./promise/polyfill": 7, "./promise/promise": 8 }], 4: [function(m, l, h) { var i = m("./utils").isarray; var j = m("./utils").isfunction; function k(b) { var a = this; if (!i(b)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass an array to all.") } return new a(function(t, u) { var d = [], c = b.length, r; if (c === 0) { t([]) } function s(n) { return function(o) { g(n, o) } } function g(o, n) { d[o] = n; if (--c === 0) { t(d) } } for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) { r = b[f]; if (r && j(r.then)) { r.then(s(f), u) } else { g(f, r) } } }) } h.all = k }, { "./utils": 12 }], 5: [function(d, g, f) { (function(x, w) { var b = (typeof window !== "undefined") ? window : {}; var r = b.mutationobserver || b.webkitmutationobserver; var c = (typeof w !== "undefined") ? w : (this === undefined ? window : this); function q() { return function() { x.nexttick(a) } } function u() { var h = 0; var j = new r(a); var i = document.createtextnode(""); j.observe(i, { characterdata: true }); return function() { = (h = ++h % 2) } } function s() { return function() { c.settimeout(a, 1) } } var t = []; function a() { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var j = t[i]; var h = j[0], k = j[1]; h(k) } t = [] } var v; if (typeof x !== "undefined" && {} === "[object process]") { v = q() } else { if (r) { v = u() } else { v = s() } } function y(h, j) { var i = t.push([h, j]); if (i === 1) { v() } } f.asap = y }).call(this, d("fwaash"), typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) }, { fwaash: 1 }], 6: [function(j, i, h) { var k = { instrument: false }; function g(b, a) { if (arguments.length === 2) { k[b] = a } else { return k[b] } } h.config = k; h.configure = g }, {}], 7: [function(d, g, f) { (function(c) { var i = d("./promise").promise; var a = d("./utils").isfunction; function b() { var h; if (typeof c !== "undefined") { h = c } else { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document) { h = window } else { h = self } } var k = "promise" in h && "resolve" in h.promise && "reject" in h.promise && "all" in h.promise && "race" in h.promise && (function() { var j; new h.promise(function(m) { j = m }); return a(j) }()); if (!k) { h.promise = i } } f.polyfill = b }).call(this, typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) }, { "./promise": 8, "./utils": 12 }], 8: [function(q, ad, m) { var p = q("./config").config; var s = q("./config").configure; var l = q("./utils").objectorfunction; var ag = q("./utils").isfunction; var ac = q("./utils").now; var ab = q("./all").all; var y = q("./race").race; var w = q("./resolve").resolve; var ae = q("./reject").reject; var j = q("./asap").asap; var o = 0; p.async = j; function aa(a) { if (!ag(a)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor") } if (!(this instanceof aa)) { throw new typeerror("failed to construct 'promise': please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.") } this._subscribers = []; e(a, this) } function e(a, b) { function f(g) { i(b, g) } function c(g) { x(b, g) } try { a(f, c) } catch (d) { c(d) } } function g(c, a, d, i) { var k = ag(d), f, g, b, j; if (k) { try { f = d(i); b = true } catch (h) { j = true; g = h } } else { f = i; b = true } if (k(a, f)) { return } else { if (k && b) { i(a, f) } else { if (j) { x(a, g) } else { if (c === af) { i(a, f) } else { if (c === n) { x(a, f) } } } } } } var v = void 0; var r = 0; var af = 1; var n = 2; function t(g, a, b, c) { var d = g._subscribers; var f = d.length; d[f] = a; d[f + af] = b; d[f + n] = c } function h(c, h) { var a, b, d = c._subscribers, f = c._detail; for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g += 3) { a = d[g]; b = d[g + h]; g(h, a, b, f) } c._subscribers = null } aa.prototype = { constructor: aa, _state: undefined, _detail: undefined, _subscribers: undefined, then: function(a, c) { var b = this; var f = new this.constructor(function() {}); if (this._state) { var d = arguments; p.async(function g() { g(b._state, f, d[b._state - 1], b._detail) }) } else { t(this, f, a, c) } return f }, "catch": function(a) { return this.then(null, a) } }; aa.all = ab; aa.race = y; aa.resolve = w; aa.reject = ae; function k(a, c) { var b = null, f; try { if (a === c) { throw new typeerror("a promises callback cannot return that same promise.") } if (l(c)) { b = c.then; if (ag(b)) {, function(g) { if (f) { return true } f = true; if (c !== g) { i(a, g) } else { z(a, g) } }, function(g) { if (f) { return true } f = true; x(a, g) }); return true } } } catch (d) { if (f) { return true } x(a, d); return true } return false } function i(a, b) { if (a === b) { z(a, b) } else { if (!k(a, b)) { z(a, b) } } } function z(a, b) { if (a._state !== v) { return } a._state = r; a._detail = b; p.async(f, a) } function x(a, b) { if (a._state !== v) { return } a._state = r; a._detail = b; p.async(u, a) } function f(a) { h(a, a._state = af) } function u(a) { h(a, a._state = n) } m.promise = aa }, { "./all": 4, "./asap": 5, "./config": 6, "./race": 9, "./reject": 10, "./resolve": 11, "./utils": 12 }], 9: [function(k, i, g) { var h = k("./utils").isarray; function j(b) { var a = this; if (!h(b)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass an array to race.") } return new a(function(c, d) { var f = [], p; for (var o = 0; o < b.length; o++) { p = b[o]; if (p && typeof p.then === "function") { p.then(c, d) } else { c(p) } } }) } g.race = j }, { "./utils": 12 }], 10: [function(f, i, g) { function h(a) { var b = this; return new b(function(c, d) { d(a) }) } g.reject = h }, {}], 11: [function(f, i, g) { function h(a) { if (a && typeof a === "object" && a.constructor === this) { return a } var b = this; return new b(function(c) { c(a) }) } g.resolve = h }, {}], 12: [function(n, m, i) { function l(a) { return k(a) || (typeof a === "object" && a !== null) } function k(a) { return typeof a === "function" } function j(a) { return === "[object array]" } var o = || function() { return new date().gettime() }; i.objectorfunction = l; i.isfunction = k; i.isarray = j; = o }, {}], 13: [function(d, g, f) { (function(e, c) { var i = "3.7.3-pre"; var l = e.html5 || {}; var h = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i; var m = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i; var c; var g = "_html5shiv"; var o = 0; var a = {}; var k; (function() { try { var i = c.createelement("a"); i.innerhtml = ""; c = ("hidden" in i); k = i.childnodes.length == 1 || (function() { (c.createelement)("a"); var j = c.createdocumentfragment(); return (typeof j.clonenode == "undefined" || typeof j.createdocumentfragment == "undefined" || typeof j.createelement == "undefined") }()) } catch (h) { c = true; k = true } }()); function j(k, h) { var j = k.createelement("p"), i = k.getelementsbytagname("head")[0] || k.documentelement; j.innerhtml = "x"; return i.insertbefore(j.lastchild, i.firstchild) } function d() { var h = f.elements; return typeof h == "string" ? h.split(" ") : h } function z(j, i) { var h = f.elements; if (typeof h != "string") { h = h.join(" ") } if (typeof j != "string") { j = j.join(" ") } f.elements = h + " " + j; n(i) } function y(i) { var h = a[i[g]]; if (!h) { h = {}; o++; i[g] = o; a[o] = h } return h } function b(k, j, h) { if (!j) { j = c } if (k) { return j.createelement(k) } if (!h) { h = y(j) } var i; if (h.cache[k]) { i = h.cache[k].clonenode() } else { if (m.test(k)) { i = (h.cache[k] = h.createelem(k)).clonenode() } else { i = h.createelem(k) } } return i.canhavechildren && !h.test(k) && !i.tagurn ? h.frag.appendchild(i) : i } function b(h, k) { if (!h) { h = c } if (k) { return h.createdocumentfragment() } k = k || y(h); var i = k.frag.clonenode(), m = 0, j = d(), l = j.length; for (; m < l; m++) { i.createelement(j[m]) } return i } function a(i, h) { if (!h.cache) { h.cache = {}; h.createelem = i.createelement; h.createfrag = i.createdocumentfragment; h.frag = h.createfrag() } i.createelement = function(j) { if (!f.shivmethods) { return h.createelem(j) } return b(j, i, h) }; i.createdocumentfragment = function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.clonenode(),c=n.createelement;h.shivmethods&&(" + d().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(j) { h.createelem(j); h.frag.createelement(j); return 'c("' + j + '")' }) + ");return n}")(f, h.frag) } function n(i) { if (!i) { i = c } var h = y(i); if (f.shivcss && !c && !h.hascss) { h.hascss = !! j(i, "article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}template{display:none}") } if (!k) { a(i, h) } return i } var f = { elements: l.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video", version: i, shivcss: (l.shivcss !== false), supportsunknownelements: k, shivmethods: (l.shivmethods !== false), type: "default", shivdocument: n, createelement: b, createdocumentfragment: b, addelements: z }; e.html5 = f; n(c); if (typeof g == "object" && g.exports) { g.exports = f } }(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document)) }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("jzhj6r") }, {}], jzhj6r: [function(d, g, f) { d("./array/isarray"); d("./array/prototype.every"); d("./array/prototype.filter"); d("./array/prototype.foreach"); d("./array/prototype.indexof"); d("./array/prototype.lastindexof"); d("./array/"); d("./array/prototype.reduce"); d("./array/prototype.reduceright"); d("./array/prototype.slice"); d("./array/prototype.some") }, { "./array/isarray": "ntpunw", "./array/prototype.every": "wepn/v", "./array/prototype.filter": "pe00w3", "./array/prototype.foreach": "jgej+q", "./array/prototype.indexof": "njsabc", "./array/prototype.lastindexof": "vk6ft5", "./array/": "zhib2t", "./array/prototype.reduce": "lnilz2", "./array/prototype.reduceright": "4d1giq", "./array/prototype.slice": "lsn5nl", "./array/prototype.some": "k+bem1" }], ntpunw: [function(d, g, f) { if (!array.isarray) { array.isarray = function(a) { return === "[object array]" } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/isarray": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("ntpunw") }, {}], "wepn/v": [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.every) { array.prototype.every = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var l = c.length >>> 0; var d; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (d = 0; d < l; d += 1) { if (d in c && !, c[d], d, c)) { return false } } return true } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.every": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("wepn/v") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.filter": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("pe00w3") }, {}], pe00w3: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.filter) { array.prototype.filter = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var n = c.length >>> 0; var d; var m = []; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (d = 0; d < n; d += 1) { if (d in c &&, c[d], d, c)) { m.push(c[d]) } } return m } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.foreach": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("jgej+q") }, {}], "jgej+q": [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.foreach) { array.prototype.foreach = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var n; var m; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror("no function object passed to foreach.") } var d = this.length; for (n = 0; n < d; n += 1) { m = c[n];, m, n, c) } } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.indexof": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("njsabc") }, {}], njsabc: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.indexof) { array.prototype.indexof = function h(c, b) { var a = b || 0; var d = 0; if (a < 0) { a = this.length + b - 1; if (a < 0) { throw "wrapped past beginning of array while looking up a negative start index." } } for (d = 0; d < this.length; d++) { if (this[d] === c) { return d } } return (-1) } } }, {}], vk6ft5: [function(i, h, f) { if (!array.prototype.lastindexof) { array.prototype.lastindexof = function g(a, b) { var d = object(this); var l = d.length >>> 0; var c; b = parseint(b, 10); if (l <= 0) { return -1 } c = (typeof b === "number") ? math.min(l - 1, b) : l - 1; c = c >= 0 ? c : l - math.abs(c); for (; c >= 0; c -= 1) { if (c in d && a === d[c]) { return c } } return -1 } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.lastindexof": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("vk6ft5") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("zhib2t") }, {}], zhib2t: [function(f, i, g) { if (! { = function h(a, b) { var d = object(this); var m = d.length >>> 0; var c; var n = new array(m); if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (c = 0; c < m; c += 1) { if (c in d) { n[c] =, d[c], c, d) } } return n } } }, {}], lnilz2: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.reduce) { array.prototype.reduce = function h(a, d) { var c = object(this); var m = c.length >>> 0; var b = 0; var n; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } if (typeof d === "undefined") { if (!m) { throw new typeerror("reduce of empty array with no initial value") } n = c[0]; b = 1 } else { n = d } while (b < m) { if (b in c) { n =, n, c[b], b, c); b += 1 } } return n } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.reduce": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("lnilz2") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.reduceright": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("4d1giq") }, {}], "4d1giq": [function(i, h, f) { if (!array.prototype.reduceright) { array.prototype.reduceright = function g(a, d) { var c = object(this); var m = c.length >>> 0; var b = m - 1; var n; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } if (d === undefined) { if (!m) { throw new typeerror("reduce of empty array with no initial value") } n = c[m - 1]; b = m - 2 } else { n = d } while (b >= 0) { if (b in c) { n =, n, c[b], b, c); b -= 1 } } return n } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.slice": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("lsn5nl") }, {}], lsn5nl: [function(d, g, f) { (function() { var b = array.prototype.slice; try { } catch (a) { array.prototype.slice = function(u, q) { q = (typeof q !== "undefined") ? q : this.length; if ( === "[object array]") { return, u, q) } var i, r = [], p, s = this.length; var t = u || 0; t = (t >= 0) ? t : s + t; var c = (q) ? q : s; if (q < 0) { c = s + q } p = c - t; if (p > 0) { r = new array(p); if (this.charat) { for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { r[i] = this.charat(t + i) } } else { for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { r[i] = this[t + i] } } } return r } } }()) }, {}], "k+bem1": [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.some) { array.prototype.some = function h(a, b) { var d = object(this); var l = d.length >>> 0; var c; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (c = 0; c < l; c += 1) { if (c in d &&, d[c], c, d) === true) { return true } } return false } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.some": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("k+bem1") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/customevent": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("vtisnl") }, {}], vtisnl: [function(f, i, g) { if (document.createevent) { try { new window.customevent("click") } catch (h) { window.customevent = (function() { function a(c, b) { b = b || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var d = document.createevent("customevent"); d.initcustomevent(c, b.bubbles, b.cancelable, b.detail); return d } a.prototype = window.event.prototype; return a }()) } } }, {}], izbixw: [function(d, g, f) { d("./date/now"); d("./date/prototype.toisostring"); d("./date/prototype.tojson") }, { "./date/now": "2z3zwc", "./date/prototype.toisostring": "nubvye", "./date/prototype.tojson": "zf8p29" }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/date": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("izbixw") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/date/now": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("2z3zwc") }, {}], "2z3zwc": [function(i, h, g) { if (! { = function f() { return new date().gettime() } } }, {}], nubvye: [function(f, h, g) { if (!date.prototype.toisostring) { date.prototype.toisostring = function i() { if (!isfinite(this)) { throw new rangeerror("date.prototype.toisostring called on non-finite value.") } var b = { year: this.getutcfullyear(), month: this.getutcmonth() + 1, day: this.getutcdate(), hours: this.getutchours(), minutes: this.getutcminutes(), seconds: this.getutcseconds(), mseconds: (this.getutcmilliseconds() / 1000).tofixed(3).substr(2, 3) }; var a; var c; for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a) && a !== "year" && a !== "mseconds") { b[a] = string(b[a]).length === 1 ? "0" + string(b[a]) : string(b[a]) } } if (b.year < 0 || b.year > 9999) { c = b.year < 0 ? "-" : "+"; b.year = c + string(math.abs(b.year / 1000000)).substr(2, 6) } return b.year + "-" + b.month + "-" + + "t" + b.hours + ":" + b.minutes + ":" + b.seconds + "." + b.mseconds + "z" } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/date/prototype.toisostring": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("nubvye") }, {}], zf8p29: [function(d, g, f) { if (!date.prototype.tojson) { date.prototype.tojson = function(b) { var a = object(this); var k; var c = function(m) { var h = typeof m; var i = [null, "undefined", "boolean", "string", "number"].some(function(l) { return l === h }); if (i) { return true } return false }; var j = function(i) { var h; if (c(i)) { return i } h = (typeof i.valueof === "function") ? i.valueof() : (typeof i.tostring === "function") ? i.tostring() : null; if (h && c(h)) { return h } throw new typeerror(i + " cannot be converted to a primitive") }; k = j(a); if (typeof k === "number" && !isfinite(k)) { return null } if (typeof a.toisostring !== "function") { throw new typeerror("toisostring is not callable") } return } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/date/prototype.tojson": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("zf8p29") }, {}], "0vcwgk": [function(d, g, f) { d("./element/prototype.classlist") }, { "./element/prototype.classlist": "qdms4/" }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/element": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("0vcwgk") }, {}], "qdms4/": [function(d, g, f) { /*! @source*/ ; if ("document" in self) { if (!("classlist" in document.createelement("_"))) { (function(t) { if (!("element" in t)) { return } var c = "classlist", x = "prototype", b = t.element[x], b = object, s = string[x].trim || function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }, a = array[x].indexof || function(h) { var i = 0, j = this.length; for (; i < j; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === h) { return i } } return -1 }, a = function(i, h) { = i; this.code = domexception[i]; this.message = h }, w = function(h, i) { if (i === "") { throw new a("syntax_err", "an invalid or illegal string was specified") } if (/\s/.test(i)) { throw new a("invalid_character_err", "string contains an invalid character") } return, i) }, z = function(h) { var i ="class") || ""), j = i ? i.split(/\s+/) : [], k = 0, l = j.length; for (; k < l; k++) { this.push(j[k]) } this._updateclassname = function() { h.setattribute("class", this.tostring()) } }, y = z[x] = [], u = function() { return new z(this) }; a[x] = error[x]; y.item = function(h) { return this[h] || null }; y.contains = function(h) { h += ""; return w(this, h) !== -1 }; y.add = function() { var h = arguments, i = 0, k = h.length, j, l = false; do { j = h[i] + ""; if (w(this, j) === -1) { this.push(j); l = true } } while (++i < k); if (l) { this._updateclassname() } }; y.remove = function() { var h = arguments, i = 0, l = h.length, j, m = false, k; do { j = h[i] + ""; k = w(this, j); while (k !== -1) { this.splice(k, 1); m = true; k = w(this, j) } } while (++i < l); if (m) { this._updateclassname() } }; y.toggle = function(j, i) { j += ""; var k = this.contains(j), h = k ? i !== true && "remove" : i !== false && "add"; if (h) { this[h](j) } if (i === true || i === false) { return i } else { return !k } }; y.tostring = function() { return this.join(" ") }; if (b.defineproperty) { var c = { get: u, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; try { b.defineproperty(b, c, c) } catch (v) { if (v.number === -2146823252) { c.enumerable = false; b.defineproperty(b, c, c) } } } else { if (b[x].__definegetter__) { b.__definegetter__(c, u) } } }(self)) } else { (function() { var b = document.createelement("_"); b.classlist.add("c1", "c2"); if (!b.classlist.contains("c2")) { var a = function(j) { var k = domtokenlist.prototype[j]; domtokenlist.prototype[j] = function(h) { var i, m = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { h = arguments[i];, h) } } }; a("add"); a("remove") } b.classlist.toggle("c3", false); if (b.classlist.contains("c3")) { var c = domtokenlist.prototype.toggle; domtokenlist.prototype.toggle = function(k, j) { if (1 in arguments && !this.contains(k) === !j) { return j } else { return, k) } } } b = null }()) } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/element/prototype.classlist": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("qdms4/") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/function": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("5keetc") }, {}], "5keetc": [function(d, g, f) { d("./function/prototype.bind") }, { "./function/prototype.bind": "0zezaa" }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/function/prototype.bind": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("0zezaa") }, {}], "0zezaa": [function(d, g, f) { if (!function.prototype.bind) { function.prototype.bind = function(k) { if (typeof this !== "function") { throw new typeerror("function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable") } var a =, 1); var b = this; var j = function() {}; var c = function() { return b.apply((this instanceof j && k) ? this : k, a.concat( }; j.prototype = this.prototype; c.prototype = new j(); return c } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/json": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("q+qzbj") }, {}], "q+qzbj": [function(require, module, exports) { if (typeof json !== "object") { json = {} }(function() { function f(n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n } if (typeof date.prototype.tojson !== "function") { date.prototype.tojson = function() { return isfinite(this.valueof()) ? this.getutcfullyear() + "-" + f(this.getutcmonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getutcdate()) + "t" + f(this.getutchours()) + ":" + f(this.getutcminutes()) + ":" + f(this.getutcseconds()) + "z" : null }; string.prototype.tojson = number.prototype.tojson = boolean.prototype.tojson = function() { return this.valueof() } } var cx, escapable, gap, indent, meta, rep; function quote(string) { escapable.lastindex = 0; return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function(a) { var c = meta[a]; return typeof c === "string" ? c : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) }) + '"' : '"' + string + '"' } function str(key, holder) { var i, k, v, length, mind = gap, partial, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.tojson === "function") { value = value.tojson(key) } if (typeof rep === "function") { value =, key, value) } switch (typeof value) { case "string": return quote(value); case "number": return isfinite(value) ? string(value) : "null"; case "boolean": case "null": return string(value); case "object": if (!value) { return "null" } gap += indent; partial = []; if (object.prototype.tostring.apply(value) === "[object array]") { length = value.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { partial[i] = str(i, value) || "null" } v = partial.length === 0 ? "[]" : gap ? "[\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "]" : "[" + partial.join(",") + "]"; gap = mind; return v } if (rep && typeof rep === "object") { length = rep.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { if (typeof rep[i] === "string") { k = rep[i]; v = str(k, value); if (v) { partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v) } } } } else { for (k in value) { if (, k)) { v = str(k, value); if (v) { partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v) } } } } v = partial.length === 0 ? "{}" : gap ? "{\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "}" : "{" + partial.join(",") + "}"; gap = mind; return v } } if (typeof json.stringify !== "function") { escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; meta = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }; json.stringify = function(value, replacer, space) { var i; gap = ""; indent = ""; if (typeof space === "number") { for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) { indent += " " } } else { if (typeof space === "string") { indent = space } } rep = replacer; if (replacer && typeof replacer !== "function" && (typeof replacer !== "object" || typeof replacer.length !== "number")) { throw new error("json.stringify") } return str("", { "": value }) } } if (typeof json.parse !== "function") { cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; json.parse = function(text, reviver) { var j; function walk(holder, key) { var k, v, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === "object") { for (k in value) { if (, k)) { v = walk(value, k); if (v !== undefined) { value[k] = v } else { delete value[k] } } } } return, key, value) } text = string(text); cx.lastindex = 0; if (cx.test(text)) { text = text.replace(cx, function(a) { return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) }) } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fa-f]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[ee][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) { j = eval("(" + text + ")"); return typeof reviver === "function" ? walk({ "": j }, "") : j } throw new syntaxerror("json.parse") } } }()) }, {}], "2z9jwx": [function(d, g, f) { d("./object/assign"); d("./object/create"); d("./object/is"); d("./object/keys") }, { "./object/assign": "tgggw2", "./object/create": "jt+3cz", "./object/is": "edfdlb", "./object/keys": "q0dmlo" }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/object": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("2z9jwx") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/object/assign": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("tgggw2") }, {}], tgggw2: [function(o, n, i) { var l = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); var k = (l.indexof("msie") > -1) ? parseint(l.split("msie")[1]) : false; var j = k < 9; if (!object.assign) { if (!object.keys) { object.keys = function m(b) { var c = []; var a; if ((!b) || (typeof b.hasownproperty !== "function")) { throw "object.keys called on non-object." } for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a)) { c.push(a) } } return c } } if (!j && object.defineproperty) { if (!object.assign) { object.defineproperty(object, "assign", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function(a, x) { if (a === undefined || a === null) { throw new typeerror("cannot convert first argument to object") } var y = object(a); var a = false; var w; for (var h = 1; h < arguments.length; h++) { var d = arguments[h]; if (d === undefined || d === null) { continue } var f = object.keys(object(d)); for (var g = 0, b = f.length; g < b; g++) { var z = f[g]; try { var c = object.getownpropertydescriptor(d, z); if (c !== undefined && c.enumerable) { y[z] = d[z] } } catch (b) { if (!a) { a = true; w = b } } } if (a) { throw w } } return y } }) } } else { object.assign = function() { for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (var b in arguments[a]) { if (arguments[a].hasownproperty(b)) { arguments[0][b] = arguments[a][b] } } } return arguments[0] } } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/object/create": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("jt+3cz") }, {}], "jt+3cz": [function(f, i, g) { if (!object.create) { var h = function() {}; object.create = function(a) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new error("second argument not supported") } if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") { throw new typeerror("object prototype may only be an object.") } h.prototype = a; return new h() } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/object/is": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("edfdlb") }, {}], edfdlb: [function(d, g, f) { if (! { = function(a, b) { if (a === 0 && b === 0) { return 1 / a === 1 / b } if (a !== a) { return b !== b } return a === b } } }, {}], q0dmlo: [function(f, i, g) { if (!object.keys) { object.keys = function h(b) { var c = []; var a; if ((!b) || (typeof b.hasownproperty !== "function")) { throw "object.keys called on non-object." } for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a)) { c.push(a) } } return c } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/object/keys": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("q0dmlo") }, {}], iyosbl: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("es6-promise").polyfill() }, { "es6-promise": 3 }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/promise": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("iyosbl") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/string": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("xdlevo") }, {}], xdlevo: [function(d, g, f) { d("./string/prototype.trim") }, { "./string/prototype.trim": "iqcppr" }], iqcppr: [function(i, h, f) { if (!string.prototype.trim) { string.prototype.trim = function g() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/string/prototype.trim": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("iqcppr") }, {}], wowjv9: [function(d, g, f) { window.xmlhttprequest = window.xmlhttprequest || function() { var a; try { a = new activexobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") } catch (b) { try { a = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") } catch (b) { a = false } } return a } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/xmlhttprequest": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("wowjv9") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("v+rgmd") }, {}], "v+rgmd": [function(d, g, f) { d("./array"); d("./console.log"); d("./customevent"); d("./date"); d("./element"); d("./function"); d("./getcomputedstyle"); d("./html5shiv"); d("./json"); d("./matchmedia"); d("./object"); d("./promise"); d("./requestanimationframe"); d("./string"); d("./xmlhttprequest") }, { "./array": "jzhj6r", "./customevent": "vtisnl", "./date": "izbixw", "./element": "0vcwgk", "./function": "5keetc", "./json": "q+qzbj", "./object": "2z9jwx", "./promise": "iyosbl", "./string": "xdlevo", "./xmlhttprequest": "wowjv9", "./console.log": "wsla4d", "./getcomputedstyle": "oh3+pz", "./html5shiv": "6ym9yx", "./matchmedia": "dxjbrt", "./requestanimationframe": "felnmo" }], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/console.log": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("wsla4d") }, {}], wsla4d: [function(d, g, f) { d("console-polyfill") }, { "console-polyfill": 2 }], "oh3+pz": [function(l, k, m) { if (!window.getcomputedstyle) { function j(d, a, b) { d.document; var c = d.currentstyle[a].match(/(-?[\d\.]+)(%|cm|em|in|mm|pc|pt|)/) || [0, 0, ""], f = c[1], o = c[2], g; b = !b ? b : /%|em/.test(o) && d.parentelement ? j(d.parentelement, "fontsize", null) : 16; g = a == "fontsize" ? b : /width/i.test(a) ? d.clientwidth : d.clientheight; return o == "%" ? f / 100 * g : o == "cm" ? f * 0.3937 * 96 : o == "em" ? f * b : o == "in" ? f * 96 : o == "mm" ? f * 0.3937 * 96 / 10 : o == "pc" ? f * 12 * 96 / 72 : o == "pt" ? f * 96 / 72 : f } function h(b, p) { var g = p == "border" ? "width" : "", c = p + "top" + g, a = p + "right" + g, f = p + "bottom" + g, d = p + "left" + g; b[p] = (b[c] == b[a] && b[c] == b[f] && b[c] == b[d] ? [b[c]] : b[c] == b[f] && b[d] == b[a] ? [b[c], b[a]] : b[d] == b[a] ? [b[c], b[a], b[f]] : [b[c], b[a], b[f], b[d]]).join(" ") } function i(c) { var b = this, d = c.currentstyle, o = j(c, "fontsize"), g = function(n) { return "-" + n.tolowercase() }, a; for (a in d) {, a == "stylefloat" ? "float" : a.replace(/[a-z]/, g)); if (a == "width") { b[a] = c.offsetwidth + "px" } else { if (a == "height") { b[a] = c.offsetheight + "px" } else { if (a == "stylefloat") { b["float"] = d[a]; b.cssfloat = d[a] } else { if (/margin.|padding.|border.+w/.test(a) && b[a] != "auto") { b[a] = math.round(j(c, a, o)) + "px" } else { if (/^outline/.test(a)) { try { b[a] = d[a] } catch (f) { b.outlinecolor = d.color; b.outlinestyle = b.outlinestyle || "none"; b.outlinewidth = b.outlinewidth || "0px"; b.outline = [b.outlinecolor, b.outlinewidth, b.outlinestyle].join(" ") } } else { b[a] = d[a] } } } } } } h(b, "margin"); h(b, "padding"); h(b, "border"); b.fontsize = math.round(o) + "px" } i.prototype = { constructor: i, getpropertypriority: function() { throw new error("notsupportederror: dom exception 9") }, getpropertyvalue: function(a) { return this[a.replace(/-\w/g, function(b) { return b[1].touppercase() })] }, item: function(a) { return this[a] }, removeproperty: function() { throw new error("nomodificationallowederror: dom exception 7") }, setproperty: function() { throw new error("nomodificationallowederror: dom exception 7") }, getpropertycssvalue: function() { throw new error("notsupportederror: dom exception 9") } }; window.getcomputedstyle = function(a) { return new i(a) } } }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/getcomputedstyle": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("oh3+pz") }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/html5shiv": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("6ym9yx") }, {}], "6ym9yx": [function(d, g, f) { d("html5shiv/src/html5shiv") }, { "html5shiv/src/html5shiv": 13 }], dxjbrt: [function(d, g, f) { window.matchmedia = window.matchmedia || (function(c, b) { var m, o = c.documentelement, n = o.firstelementchild || o.firstchild, l = c.createelement("body"), a = c.createelement("div"); = "mq-test-1"; = "position:absolute;top:-100em"; = "none"; l.appendchild(a); return function(h) { a.innerhtml = '­'; o.insertbefore(l, n); m = a.offsetwidth === 42; o.removechild(l); return { matches: m, media: h } } }(document)) }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/matchmedia": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("dxjbrt") }, {}], felnmo: [function(d, g, f) { (function() { var b = 0; var a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"]; for (var c = 0; c < a.length && !window.requestanimationframe; ++c) { window.requestanimationframe = window[a[c] + "requestanimationframe"]; window.cancelanimationframe = window[a[c] + "cancelanimationframe"] || window[a[c] + "cancelrequestanimationframe"] } if (!window.requestanimationframe) { window.requestanimationframe = function(m, p) { var q =; var o = math.max(0, 16 - (q - b)); var n = window.settimeout(function() { m(q + o) }, o); b = q + o; return n } } if (!window.cancelanimationframe) { window.cancelanimationframe = function(i) { cleartimeout(i) } } }()) }, {}], "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestanimationframe": [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("felnmo") }, {}] }, {}, ["v+rgmd"]); (function e(h, j, l) { function m(a, c) { if (!j[a]) { if (!h[a]) { var d = typeof require == "function" && require; if (!c && d) { return d(a, !0) } if (i) { return i(a, !0) } var b = new error("cannot find module '" + a + "'"); throw b.code = "module_not_found", b } var f = j[a] = { exports: {} }; h[a][0].call(f.exports, function(g) { var n = h[a][1][g]; return m(n ? n : g) }, f, f.exports, e, h, j, l) } return j[a].exports } var i = typeof require == "function" && require; for (var k = 0; k < l.length; k++) { m(l[k]) } return m })({ 1: [function(g, k, h) { g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.slice"); g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/element/prototype.classlist"); var j = g("./classname/add"); k.exports = function i() { var a =; var b = a.shift(a); var c; if (b.classlist && b.classlist.add) { b.classlist.add.apply(b.classlist, a); return } for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { j(b, a[c]) } } }, { "./classname/add": 2, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.slice": 35, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/element/prototype.classlist": 43 }], 2: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./contains"); k.exports = function i(a, b) { if (!j(a, b)) { a.classname += " " + b } } }, { "./contains": 3 }], 3: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./gettokenregexp"); k.exports = function j(a, b) { return i(b).test(a.classname) } }, { "./gettokenregexp": 4 }], 4: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { return new regexp("(\\s|^)" + a + "(\\s|$)") } }, {}], 5: [function(m, l, h) { var k = m("./contains"); var j = m("./gettokenregexp"); l.exports = function i(a, b) { if (k(a, b)) { a.classname = a.classname.replace(j(b), "$1").trim() } } }, { "./contains": 3, "./gettokenregexp": 4 }], 6: [function(j, i, k) { j("@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.slice"); j("@marcom/ac-polyfills/element/prototype.classlist"); var g = j("./classname/remove"); i.exports = function h() { var a =; var b = a.shift(a); var c; if (b.classlist && b.classlist.remove) { b.classlist.remove.apply(b.classlist, a); return } for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { g(b, a[c]) } } }, { "./classname/remove": 5, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.slice": 35, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/element/prototype.classlist": 43 }], 7: [function(o, n, i) { var l = o("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue"); var m = o("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstyleproperty"); var k = o("@marcom/ac-function/memoize"); function j(a, b) { if (typeof b !== "undefined") { return !!l(a, b) } else { return !!m(a) } } n.exports = k(j); n.exports.original = j }, { "@marcom/ac-function/memoize": 13, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstyleproperty": 62, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue": 63 }], 8: [function(h, m, i) { var k = h("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue"); var l = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function j() { return !!k("margin", "1vw 1vh") } m.exports = l(j); m.exports.original = j }, { "@marcom/ac-function/once": 14, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue": 63 }], 9: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { getwindow: function() { return window }, getdocument: function() { return document }, getnavigator: function() { return navigator } } }, {}], 10: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getdocument(); return !!a.implementation.hasfeature("", "1.1") } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 9, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 14 }], 11: [function(h, m, i) { var j = h("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue"); var l = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function k() { return !!(j("perspective", "1px") && j("transform", "translatez(0)")) } m.exports = l(k); m.exports.original = k }, { "@marcom/ac-function/once": 14, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getstylevalue": 63 }], 12: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getwindow(); var c = j.getdocument(); var b = j.getnavigator(); return !!(("ontouchstart" in a) || (a.documenttouch && c instanceof a.documenttouch) || (b.maxtouchpoints > 0) || (b.msmaxtouchpoints > 0)) } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 9, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 14 }], 13: [function(k, j, g) { var h = function() { var a = ""; var b; for (b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) { if (b > 0) { a += "," } a += arguments[b] } return a }; j.exports = function i(a, b) { b = b || h; var c = function() { var f = arguments; var d = b.apply(this, f); if (!(d in c.cache)) { c.cache[d] = a.apply(this, f) } return c.cache[d] }; c.cache = {}; return c } }, {}], 14: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { var b; return function() { if (typeof b === "undefined") { b = a.apply(this, arguments) } return b } } }, {}], 15: [function(g, k, h) { var i = {}; k.exports = function j(f, m, a) { f = f.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); if (a || !i.hasownproperty(f)) { var c = new regexp("[\\?&]" + f + "=([^&#]*)"); var d = c.exec(; var b = (d === null) ? m : decodeuricomponent(d[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); if (b === "true" || b === "false") { b = (b === "true") } if (!isnan(parsefloat(b))) { b = parsefloat(b) } i[f] = b } return i[f] } }, {}], 16: [function(n, m, i) { var l = n("./ac-browser/browserdata"); var j = /applewebkit/i; var k = n("./ac-browser/ie"); var o = l.create(); o.iswebkit = function(b) { var a = b || window.navigator.useragent; return a ? !! j.test(a) : false }; o.lowercaseuseragent = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); if ( === "ie") { = { documentmode: k.getdocumentmode() } } m.exports = o }, { "./ac-browser/browserdata": 17, "./ac-browser/ie": 18 }], 17: [function(g, k, h) { g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.filter"); g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.some"); var j = g("./data"); function i() {} i.prototype = { __getbrowserversion: function(c, b) { var d; if (!c || !b) { return } var a = j.browser.filter(function(f) { return f.identity === b }); a.some(function(f) { var o = f.versionsearch || b; var n = c.indexof(o); if (n > -1) { d = parsefloat(c.substring(n + o.length + 1)); return true } }); return d }, __getname: function(a) { return this.__getidentitystringfromarray(a) }, __getidentity: function(a) { if (a.string) { return this.__matchsubstring(a) } else { if (a.prop) { return a.identity } } }, __getidentitystringfromarray: function(d) { for (var a = 0, c = d.length, b; a < c; a++) { b = this.__getidentity(d[a]); if (b) { return b } } }, __getos: function(a) { return this.__getidentitystringfromarray(a) }, __getosversion: function(d, a) { if (!d || !a) { return } var b = j.os.filter(function(l) { return l.identity === a })[0]; var m = b.versionsearch || a; var c = new regexp(m + " ([\\d_\\.]+)", "i"); var f = d.match(c); if (f !== null) { return f[1].replace(/_/g, ".") } }, __matchsubstring: function(b) { var c = b.substring; if (c) { var a = c.test ? !! c.test(b.string) : b.string.indexof(c) > -1; if (a) { return b.identity } } } }; i.create = function() { var b = new i(); var a = {}; = b.__getname(j.browser); a.version = b.__getbrowserversion(j.versionstring,; a.os = b.__getos(j.os); a.osversion = b.__getosversion(j.versionstring, a.os); return a }; k.exports = i }, { "./data": 19, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.filter": 28, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.some": 36 }], 18: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { getdocumentmode: function() { var a; if (document.documentmode) { a = parseint(document.documentmode, 10) } else { a = 5; if (document.compatmode) { if (document.compatmode === "css1compat") { a = 7 } } } return a } } }, {}], 19: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: [{ string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "edge", identity: "edge" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: /silk/i, identity: "silk" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: /(android).*(version\/[0-9+].[0-9+])/i, identity: "android" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "chrome", identity: "chrome" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "omniweb", versionsearch: "omniweb/", identity: "omniweb" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: /mobile\/[^\s]*\ssafari\//i, identity: "safari mobile", versionsearch: "version" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, substring: "apple", identity: "safari", versionsearch: "version" }, { prop: window.opera, identity: "opera", versionsearch: "version" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, substring: "icab", identity: "icab" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, substring: "kde", identity: "konqueror" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "firefox", identity: "firefox" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, substring: "camino", identity: "camino" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "netscape", identity: "netscape" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "msie", identity: "ie", versionsearch: "msie" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "trident", identity: "ie", versionsearch: "rv" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "gecko", identity: "mozilla", versionsearch: "rv" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "mozilla", identity: "netscape", versionsearch: "mozilla" }], os: [{ string: window.navigator.platform, substring: "win", identity: "windows", versionsearch: "windows nt" }, { string: window.navigator.platform, substring: "mac", identity: "os x" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "iphone", identity: "ios", versionsearch: "iphone os" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: "ipad", identity: "ios", versionsearch: "cpu os" }, { string: window.navigator.useragent, substring: /android/i, identity: "android" }, { string: window.navigator.platform, substring: "linux", identity: "linux" }], versionstring: window.navigator.useragent || window.navigator.appversion || undefined } }, {}], 20: [function(j, p, k) { var n = j("@marcom/ac-classlist/add"); var m = j("@marcom/ac-classlist/remove"); var l = j("@marcom/ac-object/extend"); var q = function(b, a) { this._target = b; this._tests = {}; this.addtests(a) }; var o = q.prototype; o.addtests = function(a) { this._tests = l(this._tests, a || {}) }; o._supports = function(a) { if (typeof this._tests[a] === "undefined") { return false } if (typeof this._tests[a] === "function") { this._tests[a] = this._tests[a]() } return this._tests[a] }; o._addclass = function(a, b) { b = b || "no-"; if (this._supports(a)) { n(this._target, a) } else { n(this._target, b + a) } }; o.htmlclass = function() { var a; m(this._target, "no-js"); n(this._target, "js"); for (a in this._tests) { if (this._tests.hasownproperty(a)) { this._addclass(a) } } }; p.exports = q }, { "@marcom/ac-classlist/add": 1, "@marcom/ac-classlist/remove": 6, "@marcom/ac-object/extend": 24 }], 21: [function(q, r, p) { var k = "data-focus-method"; var m = "touch"; var l = "mouse"; var s = "key"; function n(a, b) { this._target = a || document.body; this._attr = b || k; this._focusmethod = this._lastfocusmethod = false; this._onkeydown = this._onkeydown.bind(this); this._onmousedown = this._onmousedown.bind(this); this._ontouchstart = this._ontouchstart.bind(this); this._onfocus = this._onfocus.bind(this); this._onblur = this._onblur.bind(this); this._onwindowblur = this._onwindowblur.bind(this); this._bindevents() } var o = n.prototype; o._bindevents = function() { if (this._target.addeventlistener) { this._target.addeventlistener("keydown", this._onkeydown); this._target.addeventlistener("mousedown", this._onmousedown); this._target.addeventlistener("touchstart", this._ontouchstart); this._target.addeventlistener("focus", this._onfocus, true); this._target.addeventlistener("blur", this._onblur, true); window.addeventlistener("blur", this._onwindowblur) } }; o._onkeydown = function(a) { this._focusmethod = s }; o._onmousedown = function(a) { if (this._focusmethod === m) { return } this._focusmethod = l }; o._ontouchstart = function(a) { this._focusmethod = m }; o._onfocus = function(a) { if (!this._focusmethod) { this._focusmethod = this._lastfocusmethod }, this._focusmethod); this._lastfocusmethod = this._focusmethod; this._focusmethod = false }; o._onblur = function(a) { }; o._onwindowblur = function(a) { this._focusmethod = false }; r.exports = n }, {}], 22: [function(m, k, h) { m("@marcom/ac-polyfills"); var l = m("./featuredetect"); var j = m("./defaulttests"); k.exports = new l(document.documentelement, j); k.exports.featuredetect = l; var i = m("./focusmanager"); if (document.addeventlistener) { document.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", function() { new i() }) } }, { "./featuredetect": 20, "./focusmanager": 21, "./defaulttests": 23, "@marcom/ac-polyfills": 56 }], 23: [function(m, l, n) { var k = m("@marcom/ac-browser"); var j = m("@marcom/ac-feature/touchavailable"); var o = m("@marcom/ac-feature/svgavailable"); var i = function() { return ( && === 8) }; l.exports = { touch: j, svg: o, ie8: i } }, { "@marcom/ac-browser": 16, "@marcom/ac-feature/svgavailable": 10, "@marcom/ac-feature/touchavailable": 12 }], 24: [function(k, j, g) { k("@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.foreach"); var h = object.prototype.hasownproperty; j.exports = function i() { var a; var b; if (arguments.length < 2) { a = [{}, arguments[0]] } else { a = [] } b = a.shift(); a.foreach(function(c) { if (c != null) { for (var d in c) { if (, d)) { b[d] = c[d] } } } }); return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-polyfills/array/prototype.foreach": 29 }], 25: [function(d, g, f) { d("./array/isarray"); d("./array/prototype.every"); d("./array/prototype.filter"); d("./array/prototype.foreach"); d("./array/prototype.indexof"); d("./array/prototype.lastindexof"); d("./array/"); d("./array/prototype.reduce"); d("./array/prototype.reduceright"); d("./array/prototype.slice"); d("./array/prototype.some") }, { "./array/isarray": 26, "./array/prototype.every": 27, "./array/prototype.filter": 28, "./array/prototype.foreach": 29, "./array/prototype.indexof": 30, "./array/prototype.lastindexof": 31, "./array/": 32, "./array/prototype.reduce": 33, "./array/prototype.reduceright": 34, "./array/prototype.slice": 35, "./array/prototype.some": 36 }], 26: [function(d, g, f) { if (!array.isarray) { array.isarray = function(a) { return === "[object array]" } } }, {}], 27: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.every) { array.prototype.every = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var l = c.length >>> 0; var d; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (d = 0; d < l; d += 1) { if (d in c && !, c[d], d, c)) { return false } } return true } } }, {}], 28: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.filter) { array.prototype.filter = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var n = c.length >>> 0; var d; var m = []; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (d = 0; d < n; d += 1) { if (d in c &&, c[d], d, c)) { m.push(c[d]) } } return m } } }, {}], 29: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.foreach) { array.prototype.foreach = function h(a, b) { var c = object(this); var n; var m; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror("no function object passed to foreach.") } var d = this.length; for (n = 0; n < d; n += 1) { m = c[n];, m, n, c) } } } }, {}], 30: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.indexof) { array.prototype.indexof = function h(c, b) { var a = b || 0; var d = 0; if (a < 0) { a = this.length + b - 1; if (a < 0) { throw "wrapped past beginning of array while looking up a negative start index." } } for (d = 0; d < this.length; d++) { if (this[d] === c) { return d } } return (-1) } } }, {}], 31: [function(i, h, f) { if (!array.prototype.lastindexof) { array.prototype.lastindexof = function g(a, b) { var d = object(this); var l = d.length >>> 0; var c; b = parseint(b, 10); if (l <= 0) { return -1 } c = (typeof b === "number") ? math.min(l - 1, b) : l - 1; c = c >= 0 ? c : l - math.abs(c); for (; c >= 0; c -= 1) { if (c in d && a === d[c]) { return c } } return -1 } } }, {}], 32: [function(f, i, g) { if (! { = function h(a, b) { var d = object(this); var m = d.length >>> 0; var c; var n = new array(m); if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (c = 0; c < m; c += 1) { if (c in d) { n[c] =, d[c], c, d) } } return n } } }, {}], 33: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.reduce) { array.prototype.reduce = function h(a, d) { var c = object(this); var m = c.length >>> 0; var b = 0; var n; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } if (typeof d === "undefined") { if (!m) { throw new typeerror("reduce of empty array with no initial value") } n = c[0]; b = 1 } else { n = d } while (b < m) { if (b in c) { n =, n, c[b], b, c); b += 1 } } return n } } }, {}], 34: [function(i, h, f) { if (!array.prototype.reduceright) { array.prototype.reduceright = function g(a, d) { var c = object(this); var m = c.length >>> 0; var b = m - 1; var n; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } if (d === undefined) { if (!m) { throw new typeerror("reduce of empty array with no initial value") } n = c[m - 1]; b = m - 2 } else { n = d } while (b >= 0) { if (b in c) { n =, n, c[b], b, c); b -= 1 } } return n } } }, {}], 35: [function(d, g, f) { (function() { var b = array.prototype.slice; try { } catch (a) { array.prototype.slice = function(u, q) { q = (typeof q !== "undefined") ? q : this.length; if ( === "[object array]") { return, u, q) } var i, r = [], p, s = this.length; var t = u || 0; t = (t >= 0) ? t : s + t; var c = (q) ? q : s; if (q < 0) { c = s + q } p = c - t; if (p > 0) { r = new array(p); if (this.charat) { for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { r[i] = this.charat(t + i) } } else { for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { r[i] = this[t + i] } } } return r } } }()) }, {}], 36: [function(f, i, g) { if (!array.prototype.some) { array.prototype.some = function h(a, b) { var d = object(this); var l = d.length >>> 0; var c; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new typeerror(a + " is not a function") } for (c = 0; c < l; c += 1) { if (c in d &&, d[c], c, d) === true) { return true } } return false } } }, {}], 37: [function(f, i, g) { if (document.createevent) { try { new window.customevent("click") } catch (h) { window.customevent = (function() { function a(c, b) { b = b || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var d = document.createevent("customevent"); d.initcustomevent(c, b.bubbles, b.cancelable, b.detail); return d } a.prototype = window.event.prototype; return a }()) } } }, {}], 38: [function(d, g, f) { d("./date/now"); d("./date/prototype.toisostring"); d("./date/prototype.tojson") }, { "./date/now": 39, "./date/prototype.toisostring": 40, "./date/prototype.tojson": 41 }], 39: [function(i, h, g) { if (! { = function f() { return new date().gettime() } } }, {}], 40: [function(f, h, g) { if (!date.prototype.toisostring) { date.prototype.toisostring = function i() { if (!isfinite(this)) { throw new rangeerror("date.prototype.toisostring called on non-finite value.") } var b = { year: this.getutcfullyear(), month: this.getutcmonth() + 1, day: this.getutcdate(), hours: this.getutchours(), minutes: this.getutcminutes(), seconds: this.getutcseconds(), mseconds: (this.getutcmilliseconds() / 1000).tofixed(3).substr(2, 3) }; var a; var c; for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a) && a !== "year" && a !== "mseconds") { b[a] = string(b[a]).length === 1 ? "0" + string(b[a]) : string(b[a]) } } if (b.year < 0 || b.year > 9999) { c = b.year < 0 ? "-" : "+"; b.year = c + string(math.abs(b.year / 1000000)).substr(2, 6) } return b.year + "-" + b.month + "-" + + "t" + b.hours + ":" + b.minutes + ":" + b.seconds + "." + b.mseconds + "z" } } }, {}], 41: [function(d, g, f) { if (!date.prototype.tojson) { date.prototype.tojson = function(b) { var a = object(this); var k; var c = function(m) { var h = typeof m; var i = [null, "undefined", "boolean", "string", "number"].some(function(l) { return l === h }); if (i) { return true } return false }; var j = function(i) { var h; if (c(i)) { return i } h = (typeof i.valueof === "function") ? i.valueof() : (typeof i.tostring === "function") ? i.tostring() : null; if (h && c(h)) { return h } throw new typeerror(i + " cannot be converted to a primitive") }; k = j(a); if (typeof k === "number" && !isfinite(k)) { return null } if (typeof a.toisostring !== "function") { throw new typeerror("toisostring is not callable") } return } } }, {}], 42: [function(d, g, f) { d("./element/prototype.classlist") }, { "./element/prototype.classlist": 43 }], 43: [function(d, g, f) { /*! @source*/ ; if ("document" in self) { if (!("classlist" in document.createelement("_"))) { (function(t) { if (!("element" in t)) { return } var c = "classlist", x = "prototype", b = t.element[x], b = object, s = string[x].trim || function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }, a = array[x].indexof || function(h) { var i = 0, j = this.length; for (; i < j; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === h) { return i } } return -1 }, a = function(i, h) { = i; this.code = domexception[i]; this.message = h }, w = function(h, i) { if (i === "") { throw new a("syntax_err", "an invalid or illegal string was specified") } if (/\s/.test(i)) { throw new a("invalid_character_err", "string contains an invalid character") } return, i) }, z = function(h) { var i ="class") || ""), j = i ? i.split(/\s+/) : [], k = 0, l = j.length; for (; k < l; k++) { this.push(j[k]) } this._updateclassname = function() { h.setattribute("class", this.tostring()) } }, y = z[x] = [], u = function() { return new z(this) }; a[x] = error[x]; y.item = function(h) { return this[h] || null }; y.contains = function(h) { h += ""; return w(this, h) !== -1 }; y.add = function() { var h = arguments, i = 0, k = h.length, j, l = false; do { j = h[i] + ""; if (w(this, j) === -1) { this.push(j); l = true } } while (++i < k); if (l) { this._updateclassname() } }; y.remove = function() { var h = arguments, i = 0, l = h.length, j, m = false, k; do { j = h[i] + ""; k = w(this, j); while (k !== -1) { this.splice(k, 1); m = true; k = w(this, j) } } while (++i < l); if (m) { this._updateclassname() } }; y.toggle = function(j, i) { j += ""; var k = this.contains(j), h = k ? i !== true && "remove" : i !== false && "add"; if (h) { this[h](j) } if (i === true || i === false) { return i } else { return !k } }; y.tostring = function() { return this.join(" ") }; if (b.defineproperty) { var c = { get: u, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; try { b.defineproperty(b, c, c) } catch (v) { if (v.number === -2146823252) { c.enumerable = false; b.defineproperty(b, c, c) } } } else { if (b[x].__definegetter__) { b.__definegetter__(c, u) } } }(self)) } else { (function() { var b = document.createelement("_"); b.classlist.add("c1", "c2"); if (!b.classlist.contains("c2")) { var a = function(j) { var k = domtokenlist.prototype[j]; domtokenlist.prototype[j] = function(h) { var i, m = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { h = arguments[i];, h) } } }; a("add"); a("remove") } b.classlist.toggle("c3", false); if (b.classlist.contains("c3")) { var c = domtokenlist.prototype.toggle; domtokenlist.prototype.toggle = function(k, j) { if (1 in arguments && !this.contains(k) === !j) { return j } else { return, k) } } } b = null }()) } } }, {}], 44: [function(d, g, f) { d("./function/prototype.bind") }, { "./function/prototype.bind": 45 }], 45: [function(d, g, f) { if (!function.prototype.bind) { function.prototype.bind = function(k) { if (typeof this !== "function") { throw new typeerror("function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable") } var a =, 1); var b = this; var j = function() {}; var c = function() { return b.apply((this instanceof j && k) ? this : k, a.concat( }; j.prototype = this.prototype; c.prototype = new j(); return c } } }, {}], 46: [function(require, module, exports) { if (typeof json !== "object") { json = {} }(function() { function f(n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n } if (typeof date.prototype.tojson !== "function") { date.prototype.tojson = function() { return isfinite(this.valueof()) ? this.getutcfullyear() + "-" + f(this.getutcmonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getutcdate()) + "t" + f(this.getutchours()) + ":" + f(this.getutcminutes()) + ":" + f(this.getutcseconds()) + "z" : null }; string.prototype.tojson = number.prototype.tojson = boolean.prototype.tojson = function() { return this.valueof() } } var cx, escapable, gap, indent, meta, rep; function quote(string) { escapable.lastindex = 0; return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function(a) { var c = meta[a]; return typeof c === "string" ? c : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) }) + '"' : '"' + string + '"' } function str(key, holder) { var i, k, v, length, mind = gap, partial, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.tojson === "function") { value = value.tojson(key) } if (typeof rep === "function") { value =, key, value) } switch (typeof value) { case "string": return quote(value); case "number": return isfinite(value) ? string(value) : "null"; case "boolean": case "null": return string(value); case "object": if (!value) { return "null" } gap += indent; partial = []; if (object.prototype.tostring.apply(value) === "[object array]") { length = value.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { partial[i] = str(i, value) || "null" } v = partial.length === 0 ? "[]" : gap ? "[\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "]" : "[" + partial.join(",") + "]"; gap = mind; return v } if (rep && typeof rep === "object") { length = rep.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { if (typeof rep[i] === "string") { k = rep[i]; v = str(k, value); if (v) { partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v) } } } } else { for (k in value) { if (, k)) { v = str(k, value); if (v) { partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v) } } } } v = partial.length === 0 ? "{}" : gap ? "{\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "}" : "{" + partial.join(",") + "}"; gap = mind; return v } } if (typeof json.stringify !== "function") { escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; meta = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }; json.stringify = function(value, replacer, space) { var i; gap = ""; indent = ""; if (typeof space === "number") { for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) { indent += " " } } else { if (typeof space === "string") { indent = space } } rep = replacer; if (replacer && typeof replacer !== "function" && (typeof replacer !== "object" || typeof replacer.length !== "number")) { throw new error("json.stringify") } return str("", { "": value }) } } if (typeof json.parse !== "function") { cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; json.parse = function(text, reviver) { var j; function walk(holder, key) { var k, v, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === "object") { for (k in value) { if (, k)) { v = walk(value, k); if (v !== undefined) { value[k] = v } else { delete value[k] } } } } return, key, value) } text = string(text); cx.lastindex = 0; if (cx.test(text)) { text = text.replace(cx, function(a) { return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) }) } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fa-f]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[ee][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) { j = eval("(" + text + ")"); return typeof reviver === "function" ? walk({ "": j }, "") : j } throw new syntaxerror("json.parse") } } }()) }, {}], 47: [function(d, g, f) { d("./object/assign"); d("./object/create"); d("./object/is"); d("./object/keys") }, { "./object/assign": 48, "./object/create": 49, "./object/is": 50, "./object/keys": 51 }], 48: [function(o, n, i) { var l = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); var k = (l.indexof("msie") > -1) ? parseint(l.split("msie")[1]) : false; var j = k < 9; if (!object.assign) { if (!object.keys) { object.keys = function m(b) { var c = []; var a; if ((!b) || (typeof b.hasownproperty !== "function")) { throw "object.keys called on non-object." } for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a)) { c.push(a) } } return c } } if (!j && object.defineproperty) { if (!object.assign) { object.defineproperty(object, "assign", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function(a, x) { if (a === undefined || a === null) { throw new typeerror("cannot convert first argument to object") } var y = object(a); var a = false; var w; for (var h = 1; h < arguments.length; h++) { var d = arguments[h]; if (d === undefined || d === null) { continue } var f = object.keys(object(d)); for (var g = 0, b = f.length; g < b; g++) { var z = f[g]; try { var c = object.getownpropertydescriptor(d, z); if (c !== undefined && c.enumerable) { y[z] = d[z] } } catch (b) { if (!a) { a = true; w = b } } } if (a) { throw w } } return y } }) } } else { object.assign = function() { for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (var b in arguments[a]) { if (arguments[a].hasownproperty(b)) { arguments[0][b] = arguments[a][b] } } } return arguments[0] } } } }, {}], 49: [function(f, i, g) { if (!object.create) { var h = function() {}; object.create = function(a) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new error("second argument not supported") } if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") { throw new typeerror("object prototype may only be an object.") } h.prototype = a; return new h() } } }, {}], 50: [function(d, g, f) { if (! { = function(a, b) { if (a === 0 && b === 0) { return 1 / a === 1 / b } if (a !== a) { return b !== b } return a === b } } }, {}], 51: [function(f, i, g) { if (!object.keys) { object.keys = function h(b) { var c = []; var a; if ((!b) || (typeof b.hasownproperty !== "function")) { throw "object.keys called on non-object." } for (a in b) { if (b.hasownproperty(a)) { c.push(a) } } return c } } }, {}], 52: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("es6-promise").polyfill() }, { "es6-promise": 75 }], 53: [function(d, g, f) { d("./string/prototype.trim") }, { "./string/prototype.trim": 54 }], 54: [function(i, h, f) { if (!string.prototype.trim) { string.prototype.trim = function g() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") } } }, {}], 55: [function(d, g, f) { window.xmlhttprequest = window.xmlhttprequest || function() { var a; try { a = new activexobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") } catch (b) { try { a = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") } catch (b) { a = false } } return a } }, {}], 56: [function(d, g, f) { d("./array"); d("./console.log"); d("./customevent"); d("./date"); d("./element"); d("./function"); d("./getcomputedstyle"); d("./html5shiv"); d("./json"); d("./matchmedia"); d("./object"); d("./promise"); d("./requestanimationframe"); d("./string"); d("./xmlhttprequest") }, { "./array": 25, "./customevent": 37, "./date": 38, "./element": 42, "./function": 44, "./json": 46, "./object": 47, "./promise": 52, "./string": 53, "./xmlhttprequest": 55, "./console.log": 57, "./getcomputedstyle": 58, "./html5shiv": 59, "./matchmedia": 60, "./requestanimationframe": 61 }], 57: [function(d, g, f) { d("console-polyfill") }, { "console-polyfill": 74 }], 58: [function(l, k, m) { if (!window.getcomputedstyle) { function j(d, a, b) { d.document; var c = d.currentstyle[a].match(/(-?[\d\.]+)(%|cm|em|in|mm|pc|pt|)/) || [0, 0, ""], f = c[1], o = c[2], g; b = !b ? b : /%|em/.test(o) && d.parentelement ? j(d.parentelement, "fontsize", null) : 16; g = a == "fontsize" ? b : /width/i.test(a) ? d.clientwidth : d.clientheight; return o == "%" ? f / 100 * g : o == "cm" ? f * 0.3937 * 96 : o == "em" ? f * b : o == "in" ? f * 96 : o == "mm" ? f * 0.3937 * 96 / 10 : o == "pc" ? f * 12 * 96 / 72 : o == "pt" ? f * 96 / 72 : f } function h(b, p) { var g = p == "border" ? "width" : "", c = p + "top" + g, a = p + "right" + g, f = p + "bottom" + g, d = p + "left" + g; b[p] = (b[c] == b[a] && b[c] == b[f] && b[c] == b[d] ? [b[c]] : b[c] == b[f] && b[d] == b[a] ? [b[c], b[a]] : b[d] == b[a] ? [b[c], b[a], b[f]] : [b[c], b[a], b[f], b[d]]).join(" ") } function i(c) { var b = this, d = c.currentstyle, o = j(c, "fontsize"), g = function(n) { return "-" + n.tolowercase() }, a; for (a in d) {, a == "stylefloat" ? "float" : a.replace(/[a-z]/, g)); if (a == "width") { b[a] = c.offsetwidth + "px" } else { if (a == "height") { b[a] = c.offsetheight + "px" } else { if (a == "stylefloat") { b["float"] = d[a]; b.cssfloat = d[a] } else { if (/margin.|padding.|border.+w/.test(a) && b[a] != "auto") { b[a] = math.round(j(c, a, o)) + "px" } else { if (/^outline/.test(a)) { try { b[a] = d[a] } catch (f) { b.outlinecolor = d.color; b.outlinestyle = b.outlinestyle || "none"; b.outlinewidth = b.outlinewidth || "0px"; b.outline = [b.outlinecolor, b.outlinewidth, b.outlinestyle].join(" ") } } else { b[a] = d[a] } } } } } } h(b, "margin"); h(b, "padding"); h(b, "border"); b.fontsize = math.round(o) + "px" } i.prototype = { constructor: i, getpropertypriority: function() { throw new error("notsupportederror: dom exception 9") }, getpropertyvalue: function(a) { return this[a.replace(/-\w/g, function(b) { return b[1].touppercase() })] }, item: function(a) { return this[a] }, removeproperty: function() { throw new error("nomodificationallowederror: dom exception 7") }, setproperty: function() { throw new error("nomodificationallowederror: dom exception 7") }, getpropertycssvalue: function() { throw new error("notsupportederror: dom exception 9") } }; window.getcomputedstyle = function(a) { return new i(a) } } }, {}], 59: [function(d, g, f) { d("html5shiv/src/html5shiv") }, { "html5shiv/src/html5shiv": 85 }], 60: [function(d, g, f) { window.matchmedia = window.matchmedia || (function(c, b) { var m, o = c.documentelement, n = o.firstelementchild || o.firstchild, l = c.createelement("body"), a = c.createelement("div"); = "mq-test-1"; = "position:absolute;top:-100em"; = "none"; l.appendchild(a); return function(h) { a.innerhtml = '­'; o.insertbefore(l, n); m = a.offsetwidth === 42; o.removechild(l); return { matches: m, media: h } } }(document)) }, {}], 61: [function(d, g, f) { (function() { var b = 0; var a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"]; for (var c = 0; c < a.length && !window.requestanimationframe; ++c) { window.requestanimationframe = window[a[c] + "requestanimationframe"]; window.cancelanimationframe = window[a[c] + "cancelanimationframe"] || window[a[c] + "cancelrequestanimationframe"] } if (!window.requestanimationframe) { window.requestanimationframe = function(m, p) { var q =; var o = math.max(0, 16 - (q - b)); var n = window.settimeout(function() { m(q + o) }, o); b = q + o; return n } } if (!window.cancelanimationframe) { window.cancelanimationframe = function(i) { cleartimeout(i) } } }()) }, {}], 62: [function(q, r, o) { var u = q("./shared/stylepropertycache"); var n = q("./shared/getstyletestelement"); var t = q("./utils/tocss"); var l = q("./utils/todom"); var m = q("./shared/prefixhelper"); var s = function(c, b) { var a = t(c); var d = (b === false) ? false : t(b); u[c] = u[b] = u[a] = u[d] = { dom: b, css: d }; return b }; r.exports = function p(c) { var f; var b; var d; var a; c += ""; if (c in u) { return u[c].dom } d = n(); c = l(c); b = c.charat(0).touppercase() + c.substring(1); if (c === "filter") { f = ["webkitfilter", "filter"] } else { f = (c + " " + m.dom.join(b + " ") + b).split(" ") } for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { if (typeof[f[a]] !== "undefined") { if (a !== 0) { m.reduce(a - 1) } return s(c, f[a]) } } return s(c, false) } }, { "./shared/getstyletestelement": 64, "./shared/prefixhelper": 65, "./shared/stylepropertycache": 66, "./utils/tocss": 68, "./utils/todom": 69 }], 63: [function(t, v, q) { var s = t("./getstyleproperty"); var n = t("./shared/stylevalueavailable"); var o = t("./shared/prefixhelper"); var w = t("./shared/stylepropertycache"); var p = {}; var m = /(\([^\)]+\))/gi; var r = /([^ ,;\(]+(\([^\)]+\))?)/gi; v.exports = function u(b, c) { var a; c += ""; b = s(b); if (!b) { return false } if (n(b, c)) { return c } a = w[b].css; c = c.replace(r, function(h) { var i; var d; var f; var g; if (h[0] === "#" || !isnan(h[0])) { return h } d = h.replace(m, ""); f = a + ":" + d; if (f in p) { if (p[f] === false) { return "" } return h.replace(d, p[f]) } i = { return j + h }); i = [h].concat(i); for (g = 0; g < i.length; g++) { if (n(b, i[g])) { if (g !== 0) { o.reduce(g - 1) } p[f] = i[g].replace(m, ""); return i[g] } } p[f] = false; return "" }); c = c.trim(); return (c === "") ? false : c } }, { "./getstyleproperty": 62, "./shared/prefixhelper": 65, "./shared/stylepropertycache": 66, "./shared/stylevalueavailable": 67 }], 64: [function(k, j, g) { var i; j.exports = function h() { if (!i) { i = document.createelement("_") } else { = ""; i.removeattribute("style") } return i }; j.exports.resetelement = function() { i = null } }, {}], 65: [function(j, p, k) { var l = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-"]; var o = ["webkit", "moz", "ms"]; var m = ["webkit", "moz", "ms"]; var q = function() { this.initialize() }; var n = q.prototype; n.initialize = function() { this.reduced = false; this.css = l; this.dom = o; this.evt = m }; n.reduce = function(a) { if (!this.reduced) { this.reduced = true; this.css = [this.css[a]]; this.dom = [this.dom[a]]; this.evt = [this.evt[a]] } }; p.exports = new q() }, {}], 66: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = {} }, {}], 67: [function(s, t, r) { var u = s("./stylepropertycache"); var q = s("./getstyletestelement"); var n = false; var l; var m; var p = function() { var b; if (!n) { n = true; l = ("css" in window && "supports" in window.css); m = false; b = q(); try { = "invalid" } catch (a) { m = true } } }; t.exports = function o(d, f) { var a; var b; p(); if (l) { d = u[d].css; return css.supports(d, f) } b = q(); a =[d]; if (m) { try {[d] = f } catch (c) { return false } } else {[d] = f } return ([d] &&[d] !== a) }; t.exports.resetflags = function() { n = false } }, { "./getstyletestelement": 64, "./stylepropertycache": 66 }], 68: [function(k, j, g) { var i = /^(webkit|moz|ms)/gi; j.exports = function h(a) { var b; if (a.tolowercase() === "cssfloat") { return "float" } if (i.test(a)) { a = "-" + a } return a.replace(/([a-z]+)([a-z][a-z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([a-z\d])([a-z])/g, "$1-$2").tolowercase() } }, {}], 69: [function(g, k, h) { var i = /-([a-z])/g; k.exports = function j(a) { var b; if (a.tolowercase() === "float") { return "cssfloat" } a = a.replace(i, function(c, d) { return d.touppercase() }); if (a.substr(0, 2) === "ms") { a = "ms" + a.substring(2) } return a } }, {}], 70: [function(f, i, g) { var h = { ua: window.navigator.useragent, platform: window.navigator.platform, vendor: window.navigator.vendor }; i.exports = f("./parseuseragent")(h) }, { "./parseuseragent": 73 }], 71: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: { safari: false, chrome: false, firefox: false, ie: false, opera: false, android: false, edge: false, version: { name: "", major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0, documentmode: false } }, os: { osx: false, ios: false, android: false, windows: false, linux: false, fireos: false, chromeos: false, version: { name: "", major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0 } } } }, {}], 72: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: [{ name: "edge", useragent: "edge", version: ["rv", "edge"], test: function(a) { return ("edge") > -1 || === "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64)") } }, { name: "chrome", useragent: "chrome" }, { name: "firefox", test: function(a) { return ("firefox") > -1 &&"opera") === -1) }, version: "firefox" }, { name: "android", useragent: "android" }, { name: "safari", test: function(a) { return ("safari") > -1 && a.vendor.indexof("apple") > -1) }, version: "version" }, { name: "ie", test: function(a) { return ("ie") > -1 ||"trident") > -1) }, version: ["msie", "rv"], parsedocumentmode: function() { var a = false; if (document.documentmode) { a = parseint(document.documentmode, 10) } return a } }, { name: "opera", useragent: "opera", version: ["version", "opera"] }], os: [{ name: "windows", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexof("win") > -1) }, version: "windows nt" }, { name: "osx", useragent: "mac", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexof("mac") > -1) } }, { name: "ios", test: function(a) { return ("iphone") > -1 ||"ipad") > -1) }, version: ["iphone os", "cpu os"] }, { name: "linux", useragent: "linux", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexof("linux") > -1 &&"android") === -1) } }, { name: "fireos", test: function(a) { return ("firefox") > -1 &&"mobile") > -1) }, version: "rv" }, { name: "android", useragent: "android" }, { name: "chromeos", useragent: "cros" }] } }, {}], 73: [function(r, s, p) { var q = r("./defaults"); var m = r("./dictionary"); function n(a) { return new regexp(a + "[a-za-z\\s/:]+([0-9_.]+)", "i") } function o(g, a) { if (typeof g.parseversion === "function") { return g.parseversion(a) } else { var d = g.version || g.useragent; if (typeof d === "string") { d = [d] } var f = d.length; var c; for (var b = 0; b < f; b++) { c = a.match(n(d[b])); if (c && c.length > 1) { return c[1].replace(/_/g, ".") } } } } function k(a, d, g) { var h = a.length; var f; var c; for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) { if (typeof a[i].test === "function") { if (a[i].test(g) === true) { f = a[i].name } } else { if ([i].useragent) > -1) { f = a[i].name } } if (f) { d[f] = true; c = o(a[i],; if (typeof c === "string") { var b = c.split("."); = c; if (b && b.length > 0) { d.version.major = parseint(b[0] || 0); d.version.minor = parseint(b[1] || 0); d.version.patch = parseint(b[2] || 0) } } else { if (f === "edge") { = "12.0.0"; d.version.major = "12"; d.version.minor = "0"; d.version.patch = "0" } } if (typeof a[i].parsedocumentmode === "function") { d.version.documentmode = a[i].parsedocumentmode() } return d } } return d } function l(a) { var b = {}; b.browser = k(m.browser, q.browser, a); b.os = k(m.os, q.os, a); return b } s.exports = l }, { "./defaults": 71, "./dictionary": 72 }], 74: [function(d, g, f) { (function(n) { n.console = n.console || {}; var q = n.console; var a, b; var m = {}; var c = function() {}; var o = "memory".split(","); var p = ("assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,groupcollapsed,groupend,info,log,marktimeline,profile,profiles,profileend,show,table,time,timeend,timeline,timelineend,timestamp,trace,warn").split(","); while (a = o.pop()) { if (!q[a]) { q[a] = m } } while (b = p.pop()) { if (!q[b]) { q[b] = c } } })(typeof window === "undefined" ? this : window) }, {}], 75: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./promise/promise").promise; var i = g("./promise/polyfill").polyfill; h.promise = j; h.polyfill = i }, { "./promise/polyfill": 79, "./promise/promise": 80 }], 76: [function(m, l, h) { var i = m("./utils").isarray; var j = m("./utils").isfunction; function k(b) { var a = this; if (!i(b)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass an array to all.") } return new a(function(t, u) { var d = [], c = b.length, r; if (c === 0) { t([]) } function s(n) { return function(o) { g(n, o) } } function g(o, n) { d[o] = n; if (--c === 0) { t(d) } } for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) { r = b[f]; if (r && j(r.then)) { r.then(s(f), u) } else { g(f, r) } } }) } h.all = k }, { "./utils": 84 }], 77: [function(d, g, f) { (function(x, w) { var b = (typeof window !== "undefined") ? window : {}; var r = b.mutationobserver || b.webkitmutationobserver; var c = (typeof w !== "undefined") ? w : (this === undefined ? window : this); function q() { return function() { x.nexttick(a) } } function u() { var h = 0; var j = new r(a); var i = document.createtextnode(""); j.observe(i, { characterdata: true }); return function() { = (h = ++h % 2) } } function s() { return function() { c.settimeout(a, 1) } } var t = []; function a() { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var j = t[i]; var h = j[0], k = j[1]; h(k) } t = [] } var v; if (typeof x !== "undefined" && {} === "[object process]") { v = q() } else { if (r) { v = u() } else { v = s() } } function y(h, j) { var i = t.push([h, j]); if (i === 1) { v() } } f.asap = y }).call(this, d("_process"), typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) }, { _process: 86 }], 78: [function(j, i, h) { var k = { instrument: false }; function g(b, a) { if (arguments.length === 2) { k[b] = a } else { return k[b] } } h.config = k; h.configure = g }, {}], 79: [function(d, g, f) { (function(c) { var i = d("./promise").promise; var a = d("./utils").isfunction; function b() { var h; if (typeof c !== "undefined") { h = c } else { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document) { h = window } else { h = self } } var k = "promise" in h && "resolve" in h.promise && "reject" in h.promise && "all" in h.promise && "race" in h.promise && (function() { var j; new h.promise(function(m) { j = m }); return a(j) }()); if (!k) { h.promise = i } } f.polyfill = b }).call(this, typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) }, { "./promise": 80, "./utils": 84 }], 80: [function(q, ad, m) { var p = q("./config").config; var s = q("./config").configure; var l = q("./utils").objectorfunction; var ag = q("./utils").isfunction; var ac = q("./utils").now; var ab = q("./all").all; var y = q("./race").race; var w = q("./resolve").resolve; var ae = q("./reject").reject; var j = q("./asap").asap; var o = 0; p.async = j; function aa(a) { if (!ag(a)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor") } if (!(this instanceof aa)) { throw new typeerror("failed to construct 'promise': please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.") } this._subscribers = []; e(a, this) } function e(a, b) { function f(g) { i(b, g) } function c(g) { x(b, g) } try { a(f, c) } catch (d) { c(d) } } function g(c, a, d, i) { var k = ag(d), f, g, b, j; if (k) { try { f = d(i); b = true } catch (h) { j = true; g = h } } else { f = i; b = true } if (k(a, f)) { return } else { if (k && b) { i(a, f) } else { if (j) { x(a, g) } else { if (c === af) { i(a, f) } else { if (c === n) { x(a, f) } } } } } } var v = void 0; var r = 0; var af = 1; var n = 2; function t(g, a, b, c) { var d = g._subscribers; var f = d.length; d[f] = a; d[f + af] = b; d[f + n] = c } function h(c, h) { var a, b, d = c._subscribers, f = c._detail; for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g += 3) { a = d[g]; b = d[g + h]; g(h, a, b, f) } c._subscribers = null } aa.prototype = { constructor: aa, _state: undefined, _detail: undefined, _subscribers: undefined, then: function(a, c) { var b = this; var f = new this.constructor(function() {}); if (this._state) { var d = arguments; p.async(function g() { g(b._state, f, d[b._state - 1], b._detail) }) } else { t(this, f, a, c) } return f }, "catch": function(a) { return this.then(null, a) } }; aa.all = ab; aa.race = y; aa.resolve = w; aa.reject = ae; function k(a, c) { var b = null, f; try { if (a === c) { throw new typeerror("a promises callback cannot return that same promise.") } if (l(c)) { b = c.then; if (ag(b)) {, function(g) { if (f) { return true } f = true; if (c !== g) { i(a, g) } else { z(a, g) } }, function(g) { if (f) { return true } f = true; x(a, g) }); return true } } } catch (d) { if (f) { return true } x(a, d); return true } return false } function i(a, b) { if (a === b) { z(a, b) } else { if (!k(a, b)) { z(a, b) } } } function z(a, b) { if (a._state !== v) { return } a._state = r; a._detail = b; p.async(f, a) } function x(a, b) { if (a._state !== v) { return } a._state = r; a._detail = b; p.async(u, a) } function f(a) { h(a, a._state = af) } function u(a) { h(a, a._state = n) } m.promise = aa }, { "./all": 76, "./asap": 77, "./config": 78, "./race": 81, "./reject": 82, "./resolve": 83, "./utils": 84 }], 81: [function(k, i, g) { var h = k("./utils").isarray; function j(b) { var a = this; if (!h(b)) { throw new typeerror("you must pass an array to race.") } return new a(function(c, d) { var f = [], p; for (var o = 0; o < b.length; o++) { p = b[o]; if (p && typeof p.then === "function") { p.then(c, d) } else { c(p) } } }) } g.race = j }, { "./utils": 84 }], 82: [function(f, i, g) { function h(a) { var b = this; return new b(function(c, d) { d(a) }) } g.reject = h }, {}], 83: [function(f, i, g) { function h(a) { if (a && typeof a === "object" && a.constructor === this) { return a } var b = this; return new b(function(c) { c(a) }) } g.resolve = h }, {}], 84: [function(n, m, i) { function l(a) { return k(a) || (typeof a === "object" && a !== null) } function k(a) { return typeof a === "function" } function j(a) { return === "[object array]" } var o = || function() { return new date().gettime() }; i.objectorfunction = l; i.isfunction = k; i.isarray = j; = o }, {}], 85: [function(d, g, f) { (function(e, c) { var i = "3.7.3-pre"; var l = e.html5 || {}; var h = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i; var m = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i; var c; var g = "_html5shiv"; var o = 0; var a = {}; var k; (function() { try { var i = c.createelement("a"); i.innerhtml = ""; c = ("hidden" in i); k = i.childnodes.length == 1 || (function() { (c.createelement)("a"); var j = c.createdocumentfragment(); return (typeof j.clonenode == "undefined" || typeof j.createdocumentfragment == "undefined" || typeof j.createelement == "undefined") }()) } catch (h) { c = true; k = true } }()); function j(k, h) { var j = k.createelement("p"), i = k.getelementsbytagname("head")[0] || k.documentelement; j.innerhtml = "x"; return i.insertbefore(j.lastchild, i.firstchild) } function d() { var h = f.elements; return typeof h == "string" ? h.split(" ") : h } function z(j, i) { var h = f.elements; if (typeof h != "string") { h = h.join(" ") } if (typeof j != "string") { j = j.join(" ") } f.elements = h + " " + j; n(i) } function y(i) { var h = a[i[g]]; if (!h) { h = {}; o++; i[g] = o; a[o] = h } return h } function b(k, j, h) { if (!j) { j = c } if (k) { return j.createelement(k) } if (!h) { h = y(j) } var i; if (h.cache[k]) { i = h.cache[k].clonenode() } else { if (m.test(k)) { i = (h.cache[k] = h.createelem(k)).clonenode() } else { i = h.createelem(k) } } return i.canhavechildren && !h.test(k) && !i.tagurn ? h.frag.appendchild(i) : i } function b(h, k) { if (!h) { h = c } if (k) { return h.createdocumentfragment() } k = k || y(h); var i = k.frag.clonenode(), m = 0, j = d(), l = j.length; for (; m < l; m++) { i.createelement(j[m]) } return i } function a(i, h) { if (!h.cache) { h.cache = {}; h.createelem = i.createelement; h.createfrag = i.createdocumentfragment; h.frag = h.createfrag() } i.createelement = function(j) { if (!f.shivmethods) { return h.createelem(j) } return b(j, i, h) }; i.createdocumentfragment = function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.clonenode(),c=n.createelement;h.shivmethods&&(" + d().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(j) { h.createelem(j); h.frag.createelement(j); return 'c("' + j + '")' }) + ");return n}")(f, h.frag) } function n(i) { if (!i) { i = c } var h = y(i); if (f.shivcss && !c && !h.hascss) { h.hascss = !! j(i, "article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}template{display:none}") } if (!k) { a(i, h) } return i } var f = { elements: l.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video", version: i, shivcss: (l.shivcss !== false), supportsunknownelements: k, shivmethods: (l.shivmethods !== false), type: "default", shivdocument: n, createelement: b, createdocumentfragment: b, addelements: z }; e.html5 = f; n(c); if (typeof g == "object" && g.exports) { g.exports = f } }(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document)) }, {}], 86: [function(f, k, t) { var c = k.exports = {}; var b; var z; function e() { throw new error("settimeout has not been defined") } function v() { throw new error("cleartimeout has not been defined") }(function() { try { if (typeof settimeout === "function") { b = settimeout } else { b = e } } catch (a) { b = e } try { if (typeof cleartimeout === "function") { z = cleartimeout } else { z = v } } catch (a) { z = v } }()); function g(b) { if (b === settimeout) { return settimeout(b, 0) } if ((b === e || !b) && settimeout) { b = settimeout; return settimeout(b, 0) } try { return b(b, 0) } catch (a) { try { return, b, 0) } catch (a) { return, b, 0) } } } function h(b) { if (z === cleartimeout) { return cleartimeout(b) } if ((z === v || !z) && cleartimeout) { z = cleartimeout; return cleartimeout(b) } try { return z(b) } catch (a) { try { return, b) } catch (a) { return, b) } } } var y = []; var u = false; var d; var x = -1; function a() { if (!u || !d) { return } u = false; if (d.length) { y = d.concat(y) } else { x = -1 } if (y.length) { w() } } function w() { if (u) { return } var a = g(a); u = true; var b = y.length; while (b) { d = y; y = []; while (++x < b) { if (d) { d[x].run() } } x = -1; b = y.length } d = null; u = false; h(a) } c.nexttick = function(c) { var b = new array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) { b[a - 1] = arguments[a] } } y.push(new j(c, b)); if (y.length === 1 && !u) { g(w) } }; function j(b, a) { = b; this.array = a } = function() {, this.array) }; c.title = "browser"; c.browser = true; c.env = {}; c.argv = []; c.version = ""; c.versions = {}; function i() {} c.on = i; c.addlistener = i; c.once = i; = i; c.removelistener = i; c.removealllisteners = i; c.emit = i; c.binding = function(a) { throw new error("process.binding is not supported") }; c.cwd = function() { return "/" }; c.chdir = function(a) { throw new error("process.chdir is not supported") }; c.umask = function() { return 0 } }, {}], 87: [function(s, t, r) { var q = s("@marcom/ac-headjs"); var u = s("@marcom/ac-useragent"); var m = s("@marcom/ac-get-param"); var l = s("@marcom/ac-feature/threedtransformsavailable"); var o = s("@marcom/ac-feature/csspropertyavailable"); var p = s("@marcom/ac-feature/cssviewportunitsavailable"); var n = (function() { return { initialize: function() { q.addtests({ "enhanced-gallery": n.enhancedgallery(), android: n.isandroid() }); q.htmlclass(); return this }, isandroid: function() { return }, enhancedgallery: function() { if (m("enhanced-gallery") !== undefined) { return m("enhanced-gallery") } if (!o("background-size", "contain")) { return false } if (!o("background-size", "cover")) { return false } if (!p("vh")) { return false } if (!p("vw")) { return false } return l() } } }()); t.exports = n.initialize() }, { "@marcom/ac-feature/csspropertyavailable": 7, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssviewportunitsavailable": 8, "@marcom/ac-feature/threedtransformsavailable": 11, "@marcom/ac-get-param": 15, "@marcom/ac-headjs": 22, "@marcom/ac-useragent": 70 }] }, {}, [87]);